Discount Tour Upholstered Stool 

Tour Upholstered Stool

Tour Upholstered Stool

Discount Tour Upholstered Stool available for sale online. Creative seating designed for workspace areas or kitchen and bar environments. The Tour Upholstered Stool by Bernhardt Design is more

We recommend Tour Upholstered Stool. Creative seating designed for workspace areas or kitchen and bar environments. The Tour Upholstered Stool by Bernhardt Design is a one-of-a-kind seating option that easily adapts to a variety of settings. Taking a tubular form, it is fully upholstered and features a flat top that serves as a comfortable seat. The upholstery includes wool fabric from the top to front and leather from the back to lower body of the base. A leather belted strap with a handle attached to the back allows easy handling by allowing you to lift or move the stool..

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