Discount Signal Outdoor Torch Wall Sconce 

Signal Outdoor Torch Wall Sconce

Signal Outdoor Torch Wall Sconce

Discount Signal Outdoor Torch Wall Sconce available for sale online. The spirit of the lantern brought to life with the ancient art of glass blowing. Set a tone of sophistication to guests as they more

We recommend Signal Outdoor Torch Wall Sconce. The spirit of the lantern brought to life with the ancient art of glass blowing. Set a tone of sophistication to guests as they stroll up to your front door with the always inviting Signal Outdoor Torch Wall Sconce from Hammerton Studio. The piece signals to the eyes the idea of permanence, through a weather-resistant metal structure. Timeless in its shape, a blown glass shade sits elegantly on top, detailed with etched lines and an unforgettable texture. A soft glow spills through the shade, shining elegantly against its wall..

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