Discount Bel Mondo Island Chandelier 

Bel Mondo Island Chandelier

Bel Mondo Island Chandelier

Discount Bel Mondo Island Chandelier available for sale online. Make your ceilings the base for a legendary voyage to an island of light with the Bel Mondo Island Chandelier from Metropolitan more

We recommend Bel Mondo Island Chandelier. Make your ceilings the base for a legendary voyage to an island of light with the Bel Mondo Island Chandelier from Metropolitan Lighting. Best used with large, high-ceilinged spaces, this transitional fixture shines when illuminating counters or large tables below, with a simple metal canopy and downrod that support small but strong lamping set around successive round, tiered frames. These frames grow smaller as they descend from above. Each one uses a series of rectangular metal frames and clear crystal panels to transform unrestricted light into a sparkling ambiance..

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